What is the Learning that Matters? What learning matters for the future? What matters to parents, students and teachers? How do we lead in learning that matters?
Whilst this sounds like a simple question the answers will vary from person to person, depending on their context, their world view and their passions. It is a question though that I have been contemplating deeply throughout this year as I undertake the Leading Learning that Matters (LLTM) program with eight other Principals of Independent schools and the Project Zero team at Harvard University.
“In teaching for truly lifeworthy learning, might we hope to teach for wisdom?” And “The fixation on the heap of information in the textbooks is itself part of the problem because the world we are educating learners for is something of a moving target, itself as much unknown as known.”
― David Perkins, Future Wise: Educating Our Children for a Changing World
Our school is grappling with this notion and working towards the development of truly lifeworthy courses, activities and programs. We recognise that each student is a unique individual created with their own innate God given gifts and talents. They have unique and shared interests. They hold aspirations for their future which encompass work, lifestyle, travel, family and community pursuits. But their future world is unknown. What is known as there is constant change and humans need to be adaptive as we can see in the recently released film “2040” which draws on the work of futurists.
This week I embark on a two-week study tour across the USA with the LLTM team visiting a range of organisations and schools that are reviewing and renewing what they do in order to make it more meaningful and relevant. Our tour ends at Harvard University where I will work with the team to deepen my understanding and vision for what is the learning that matters for our students at Bayview who will be graduating into a future world that will be vastly different from our lived experience today. In my absence Mrs Leah Kelly will be Acting Principal.
In our efforts to provide and outstanding educational experience for our students Bayview is proud to announce that we have joined the Future Schools Alliance which is a group of schools across Australia and New Zealand who are committed to innovation and excellence in teaching and learning.