The transition from primary to secondary school is an exciting time for students as they commence the next stage of their educational journey leading to new experiences and challenges and it coincides with early adolescence. At Bayview College, we understand this is a time when many students are developing rapidly – physically, intellectually and emotionally. They are experiencing all these changes while at the same time trying to establish their independence and place in the world.
The WAVE (Year 7) Co-ordinator is a critical part of this transition process. The WAVE Coordinator is responsible for creating and implementing a transition program to assist incoming student transition into our college from primary school. The Transition Coordinator will work closely with feeder primary schools to assist the incoming Year 7 students and their families.
The WAVE Coordinator works closely with the Director of Community Wellbeing and College Registrar regarding enrolment processes, and with the Heads of House regarding student wellbeing.
The WAVE Coordinator actively participate in the implementation of the College mission and vision statement and be guided by the College Values known as The Bayview Way: Respect, Responsibility, Courage, Compassion, and Integrity.
This role has the dual focus of preparing students and families prior to arriving at the College and establishing and reinforcing The Bayview Way during their initial months within our College community.
Successful transition from primary to secondary school comes when both the parents and the school are involved.. Our Orientation program provides your family with an opportunity to gradually become familiar with the people, the place and programs available at our School.
We host the Grade 6 eDay (Experience, Extend, Evolve) in Term 1 every year. Every Grade 6 student in the district is invited to come and spend a day at Bayview College and take part in a range of activities that are designed to introduce them to the programs that we offer. This fun day enables each young person to get a taste of secondary school alongside their primary school friends.
We also can tailor an individual “Student for a Day” for students contemplating enrolment at any stage throughout the year.
On the second Tuesday in December Year 6 students who have enrolled at the College will have an opportunity to meet their peers, buddies and teachers as they become familiar with the school grounds and to experience a typical day at school.
Upon starting Year 7, all students participate in the Orientation camp. This provides a fantastic opportunity for students to get to know their teachers and peers outside of the classroom environment. The camp focuses on team building and outdoor education activities, as well as an introduction to the values and expectations of the College.
Our commitment is to ensure that every young person achieves their full potential and by taking these progressive steps we know that our students will have the best start possible.