The Ark 

Bayview College Library (known as The ARK) provides a warm, welcoming atmosphere to students, their families and staff. Our doors are open from 8.30am – 4.30pm every school day and we encourage visits from students and their families.

Our fiction collection is extensive and growing, with new material issued twice a term. Books are shelved according to genre, making the task of selection a much simpler process for our borrowers. To cater for the whole family, we also offer a Senior Fiction section for adult readers, together with a Picture Book section for junior readers.

The Bayview College Access It Library Online program can be visited via the online portal entry anywhere and at any time. This provides students with the opportunity to search our catalogue, reserve books, read reviews and see what’s on in The ARK.

Laptop computers are available to all students and we offer online access to a number of databases. Our digital projector enables teacher directed online access for classes visiting The ARK. Audio books of English texts are also available for borrowing.

Recess and lunchtimes are a hive of activity in The ARK, as students participate in one of the many activities available. UNO competitions, Lego building, art craft, Sphero Sports and Virtual Reality Goggles are just some of the fun and educational events that take place.

Regular weekly events include Creative Club, eSports and Study Club which takes place every Wednesday after school. Study Club offers students access to a number of teachers who provide support with revision, homework or tutoring in areas of need.


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