Parent Teacher Contact

At Bayview College, we value the partnership that we have with Parents in the education of their sons and daughters. This 3-way communication loop is vital for the support of young people on thier learning journey. This process begins with the enrolment meeting, and continues throughout the students secondary school journey in formal and informal ways.

We hold Parent Information Nights throughout the year to discuss matters relevant to particular year levels and programs. Each term we hold Parent-Teacher-Student interviews to discuss students progress, achievements and to set goals for the future. In addition to these formal events, we encourage parents to contact us at any stage during the year to discuss aspects of their child’s education that are of concern.

Parents have access to the Parent Access Module (PAM) on SIMON where they can update contact details and medical inforamtion for their son or daughter; view student attendance; view teacher feedback on student assessment tasks; and find contact information for their son/daughters’ teachers.

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