To Believe. To Think. To Achieve
As an independent Christian Community College, we journey towards this vision by delivering high-quality teaching and learning through curricula that consistently challenges our students:
- To grow in Unity in Christ
- To act with compassion, integrity, respect and responsibility.
- To be conscious of the needs of others.
- To be confident to challenge and respond to injustice.
- To have active, curious, creative and questioning minds.
- To develop a passion for learning.
- To understand their role in a diverse, global society.
- To be informed decision makers.
- To build strong positive relationships.
- To be resilient and confident young people.
- To strive to achieve personal excellence in all their endeavours.
- To develop their strengths by providing them with the tools necessary to do so.
- We believe that the partnership that exists between the parents, students, teachers and community is central in realising this vision.
Enactment of School Philosophy, Vision & Mission
As a Christian School, Bayview College is committed to the holistic education of our students. The educational program at Bayview incorporates all aspects of human development—intellectual, social, physical, aesthetic, and spiritual—and strives to integrate learning by guiding students to be curious about all that the world has to offer. Students develop a strong sense of themselves as individuals, as thinking and sentient beings, and as members of a close community.
Our College Vision, To Believe, To Think, To Achieve, is the cornerstone of all College activity and practice. Our vision is reflected in all teaching and learning programs and in all College initiatives, both internal and external. In all documents, in all practice by students and teachers, in work with the College Board and the community, in all organisational structures and practices the vision of the school sits at the heart and it is expected that all work aligns with the school vision, mission and values.
Bayview College embraces diversity and values the integrity of the individual. Individual differences of religion, culture, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, physical appearance, and ability are acknowledged and respected.
Through the curriculum and Bayview’s commitment to service and social justice, it is our goal that students recognize the importance of their active participation in local, state, national, and global issues. With a rich educational program as a foundation, students can contribute positively to the world in which they live.
Bayview College is committed to the creation and maintenance of an inclusive, peaceful and safe atmosphere, and to the non-violent resolution of problems and interpersonal conflicts.
Our programs and procedures are based on respect for the dignity and uniqueness of the individual person who is made in the image of God. We recognise individual gifts and skills and create opportunities for students to realise their full potential. It is an individual and community response to Jesus’ call to: love one another as I have loved you (John 13.34). When Christian Education is faithful to the call of the Gospel, compassion, justice and reconciliation are evident throughout the life of the education community.
Each of our unique Wellbeing programs (based on our school crest) are designed to enable us to enact our vision. They complement and support the academic and co-curricular program. The WAVE program at Year 7, ANCHOR program at Year 8, CIRCLE program for year 9 and the HORIZON program, Years 10 – 12, re-inforce and promote the school vision, mission and values.