Pastoral care
As a Christian School, Bayview College is committed to the holistic care of our students. Pastoral Care programs and procedures are based on respect for the dignity and uniqueness of the individual person who is made in the image of God. We recognise individual gifts and skills and create opportunities for students to realise their full potential. It is an individual and community response to Jesus’ call to: love one another as I have loved you (John 13.34). When Christian Education is faithful to the call of the Gospel, compassion, justice and reconciliation are evident throughout the life of the education community.
Each of our unique Wellbeing programs (based on our school crest) are designed to enable us to enact our vision. They complement and support the academic and co-curricular program.
The WAVE program at Year 7 covers skills that are required to successfully transition from primary to secondary school; organisation, building positive relationships, resilience, at home study skills.
The ANCHOR program at Year 8 focuses on team work, the development and delivery of projects within the broader community, sustaining positive relationships and understanding their place in the community.
The CIRCLE program for year 9 combines Faith & Values, aspects of Health Education, and Environmental Science. Students are required to work in teams, dealing with real world problems, as they develop a stronger sense of self-worth and an understanding of their capacity to contribute to building a better world..
The HORIZON program, Years 10 – 12, is focussed on preparation for the world beyond school: vocational education, work experience, TAFE and University visits, leadership development, and exposure to a range of careers and training practitioners. In addition a structured study skills program is delivered across the 3 years.
Respectful and cooperative school-family relationships provide an effective channel of pastoral care for students. Schools and families share responsibility for developing and maintaining relationships of trust, characterised by respect for the goodwill of the other and a willingness to engage collaboratively.
Student wellbeing is best achieved within a school environment that is safe, supportive, inclusive and empowering, where diversity is respected and valued, where human rights and the common good are honoured, where inter-relationships are positive, where students experience connectedness and engagement, and where those experiencing difficulty or special need receive particular care and support.
Enhanced student wellbeing contributes significantly to improved student learning outcomes. Effective pastoral care is therefore recognised as promoting the achievement of learning outcomes and thus contributing to the school’s strategic plan.