Student Wellbeing

Our aim at Bayview College is to educate our students in a safe, secure and comfortable environment in which they can meet high educational standards and progress towards their potential. Working closely together, the Student Wellbeing Team led by the Deputy Principal, seek to ensure the physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing of each student as we instil in them the core values of Respect, Responsibility, Compassion and Integrity. Bayview College is committed to promoting and protecting the interests and safety of children. We have zero tolerance for child abuse. Everyone working and volunteering at Bayview College is responsible for the care and protection of children and reporting information about child abuse.

Our Student Code of Conduct promotes within the College respect for fellow students, Staff and our learning environment. We achieve this through the implementation of Restorative Practices and by encouraging a strong working partnership between teachers, parents and students. Key to this partnership is open communication and the establishment of clear expectations and consequences as the students gradually accept responsibility for their own choices

The Student Wellbeing Team is comprised of Care Group Teachers who have daily contact with the students, and Level Coordinators who have oversight of each student’s progress.

Recognising that there are times when young people can experience personal difficulties, either at school, home or through their community activities, our Student Wellbeing Co-ordinator is available to assist. The Student Wellbeing Office has been established as a place where students feel comfortable to go for advice, a chat or as a first port of call with more serious problems. Parents too are encouraged to contact the office to seek help with their son or daughter’s issues. The Wellbeing Co-ordinator is part of a wider professional network, and as such is able to refer students and families on to appropriate professional agencies when required. The Wellbeing co-ordinator is Bayview College’s Student Safety Office

Over the course of the year we present seminars to the students on a variety of wellbeing issues such as Personal Safety, Cybersafety, Mental Health and the dangers of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. Our senior students also have access to guest speakers to provide them with advice as appropriate on Stress Management and Healthy Living.

At Bayview College, we value our greatest asset, the students, and we are committed to providing them with every opportunity to develop and grow into fine young people.

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